

Sanofi-Aventis seeks suitor for U.S. business (Morning Read)

Current medical news and unique business news for anyone who cares about the healthcare industry. Sanofi-Aventis seeks suitor: France’s biggest drug manufacturer is reportedly on the hunt for a buyer for its U.S. dermatology business. This news comes a week after the company completed the acquisition of Genzyme Corp., whose products treat rare genetic disorders, […]


In-vitro fertilization pioneer wins Nobel Prize (Morning Read)

Robert Edwards of Britain, an 85-year-old professor emeritus at the University of Cambridge who started working on in-vitro fertilization as early as the 1950s, won the 2010 Nobel Prize in medicine on Monday for developing the breakthrough that has helped millions of infertile couples worldwide have children, according to the Associated Press in the Washington Post.


Trius Therapeutics: Another lackluster biotech IPO (Morning Read)

Highlights of the important and the interesting from the world of healthcare: Another lackluster biotech IPO: Although shares of Trius Therapeutics closed flat on the anti-infective drug developer’s first day of trading, no matter what happened the company’s public debut has to be considered a disappointment. After hoping for a price of $12 to $14 […]


RIM’s BlackPad: The next iPad rival (Morning Read)

Highlights of the important and the interesting from the world of healthcare: Introducing the BlackPad: Research In Motion, makers of the Blackberry, are expected in November to unveil a tablet computer called the BlackPad that could battle the iPad for supremacy in the very young healthcare tablet space. The tablet will be closely integrated with […]


Most seniors don’t understand health reform (Morning Read)

Highlights of the important and the interesting from the world of healthcare: Most seniors don’t understand health reform: A survey by the National Council on Aging showed that only 17 percent of seniors  could correctly answer even half of 12 questions about key provisions of the health reform law. Worse, only 14 percent knew that […]


Is Genzyme on the block? (Morning Read)

Highlights of the important and the interesting from the world of healthcare: Is Genzyme on the block? A report that GlaxoSmithKline “casually requested” that Genzyme let it know if the latter ever puts itself up for sale has created a bit of a buzz, even if it’s unlikely GSK would be interested in pulling the […]

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Morning Read: What do May venture dollar flurries bring?

Highlights of the important and the interesting from the world of healthcare: May ends with flurry of new venture dollars: Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) made the biggest investment during the month, putting $70 million in Israeli medical device company BioControl Medical. Also receiving fresh cash: Boston-based Tesaro secured $60 million in start-up funding; NOXXON Pharma of […]


Morning Read: Some good pharma news (finally)

Highlights of the important and the interesting from the world of healthcare: Finally! Some good pharma news: Amid what seems like an endless cascade of merger-inspired Big Pharma layoffs, one bright spot has emerged. Generic drugmaker Watson Pharmaceutics plans to double to 500 its employees in New Jersey over the next few years. It may […]

MedCity Influencers

Sanolfi-Aventis’ tempting $3,000 offer

It’s very generous of Sanolfi-Aventis’s marketing department to make this offer (pdf) for me to serve as an “advisor” for dronedarone today, but seriously, I was a bit skeptical that they wanted my “feedback on the reasons for and against utlilization of Multaq® in the appropriate patient as well as to understand communication and educational […]


Morning Read: It’s not just the health insurers

Highlights of the important and the interesting from the world of health care: It’s not just the health insurers: Health insurance companies do a lot of things that justifiably raise the anger of the American public: rescissions, denials of claims for pre-existing conditions and life-time spending caps, to name just a few. All of these […]